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Geographical situation

The Mátra Mountains are part of the Northern Mountain Range and belong by origin to the largest young volcanic zone of Europe. They are situated between the valleys of River Tarna and River Zagyva. Although this mountain range is not of the largest area, the two highest peaks of the country can be found here: Kékes rises to 1014 metres and Galyatetõ to 964 metres.
The Mátra Mountains can be divided into several readily distinguishable parts. The highest point of the Western Mátra is Muzsla. The so-called Central Mátra consists of the plateau of Mátrabérc (Mátra ridge) and the groups of the volcanic cones of Galyatetõ and Kékestetõ. Steep, rugged slopes, screes, talus slopes and slides alternate with one another, covered with closed beech forests. Gentler slopes and parallel valleys flow down to the south, the largest of which is the so-called Nagy-völgy (Great Valley). The 'main entrance' to the Mátra Mountains was formed in parallel with the valley of Nagy-patak (Great Stream), ranging from Mátrafüred to Mátraháza. From the vineyard-covered landscape of the foot of the Mátra travellers can arrive at the wooded mountains in a flash. To the east, after the steep escarpment of the 898-metre-high Saskõ (Eagle Stone), the 650-750-metre-high peaks of the Eastern Mátra follow one another. The northern part of the mountain range is called Mátralába (the Mátra's feet). This is a hilly area covered with 250-400-metre-high small volcanic cones, with mostly cultivated arable lands.

Mátra - A Mátra látképe Mátraderecske üdülõtelepérõl








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